10 Reasons to Work After Retiring

You might be scared of being bored or stagnant, or maybe there are financial reasons that keep you from retiring. If you are nearing retirement age, Money Crashers has a list of reasons you might still find your peers in the workforce.

  1. Working Keeps You Fit and Sharp. Being engaged socially is a great way to keep from feeling isolated and the constant interaction will keep your mind active and help stave off diseases common to old age such as dementia.
  2. You Actually Enjoy Your Work. You found something that you truly love doing and can see no reason to stop. Maybe you could even pinpoint the best parts of your job and find a position doing that for fewer hours a week.
  3. You Want to Try Something Completely Different. If you are going to have all of this free time to pursue hobbies, then why not generate a small income from it? If you love gardening maybe you can open a stall at the local farmer’s market to sell your produce. Play the piano? Become a piano teacher or perform for a small fee.
  4. You Don’t Have Enough Saved. This might be the number one reason people have to keep working. You’ve reached retirement age and just don’t have enough set aside so continuing your job is necessary.
  5. Health Insurance. If you retire at an age before Medicare kicks in, then you will need employment just for the health benefits. If you have Medicare, then having a supplemental health plan with your employer will keep your out of pocket expenses lower.
  6. You Want to Delay Social Security Benefits. The longer you can put off receiving these IRA, 401k and/or Social Security payments, the bigger the monthly payout could be a few years later.

Visit Money Crashers to read the rest of the 10 Reasons to Continue Working After Retirement.