10 Benefits of Drinking Tea

We are big fans of tea in my home. Not only are there so many different options when it comes to flavors, but tea is relatively cheap to procure, especially when you find a good sale. Here are some of Wise Bread’s best reasons for drinking tea:

  • To Soothe Your Stomach: teas that are made from peppermint and ginger can help to calm your stomach. If you don’t want to buy the bags, you could also use dried peppermint from your garden or freshly chopped ginger in a tea ball or reusable tea bag to make your tea.
  • To Warm Up: drinking tea, or any hot beverage, actually raises your body temperature.
  • To Lower Your Blood Sugar: green, black and white teas can help bring down your blood sugar inexpensively.
  • To Get Flavor Without Calories: drinking plenty of water does wonders for your body, but if you’re like me, you sometimes get sick of the lack of flavor. Tropical or spiced teas (just to name a couple) can give you the flavor your crave without adding calories.

Check out the full list of 10 over at Wise Bread’s 10 Reasons to Drink Tea.